Friday, 4 February 2011

♥ Cut Down Economic Cost of Solid Waste Pollution in Palau through Dumpster Rental

Palau is the Island nation in the Pacific Ocean, known for its natural environment. The natural environment of the island entitles it to support fishing and tourism industry. Sustainability of natural environment is very important for the island to sustain its economy. With the intention to sustain quality of the natural environment of the island, government is spending huge amount on solid waste management issues, a major reason for solid waste generation in Palau.

Solid waste is nothing but the unwanted junk that is emitted from the industries and junk piled up on the completion of major projects like construction, home renovation; yard cleanup and commercial clean up. Improper disposal of trash on completion of the project will contaminate all biospheres of the earth like air, water and land. When the piled up trash is left to open air trash piled up for long period of time emit toxic substance into the air polluting the atmosphere. Most of industries choose to dispose the waste by piping them into the lakes and streams which contaminate the drinking water of the island as well.

The government with the intention to protect the quality of the natural environment is spending a huge amount almost US$2 million annually. The huge sum of money is freed hare and the island could withstand in good economic conditions if these funds are invested elsewhere.

The effects of pollution on the island of Palau are many. The pollution prevailed in the island resulted in loss in the damage of bio diversity, loss of recreational amenities, loss of landscape and aesthetic scenery, damage to natural man made assets, and non financial human health impacts. Diseases that are affecting residents of Palau are dengue fever, scrub yyphus, lepotospirosis, gastroenteritis, and respiratory infections.

The island is experiencing high economic costs in solid waste management due to the following reasons,

• Huge tons waste that is being disposed into the landfills without being recycled is increasing the disposal cost of residents and recyclable material is losing its potential.

• The trash piled up for long period of time without being disposed is getting accumulated with leachate run off which is causing damage to near marine inhabitants

• Inappropriate waste disposal is contaminating water and food resources of the island.

• Burning of waste sites is increasing respiratory problems in the residents of the island

• Piping the sediments fertilizers into the water is affecting the survival of fish in the water and causing a great loss to the fishing industry in the island.

The one and one solution to all these problems of pollution that is affecting the island of Palau is recycling. It is that responsibility of the government to enlighten its residents about the importance of recycling the waste in environmental friendly manner and the benefits attached to it.

Recycling the trash is though task no more. There are number of dumpster rental companies in Palau who can help you in this regard. Different sizes of dumpsters available with dumpster rental companies will fit your customized requirements making your garbage bin hire very affordable. They not only get your trash recycled in environmental friendly manner at affordable cost but also ensure that all your trash is disposed at the earliest leaving no additional effort on you. On the whole dumpster rental Palau will be of great help in cutting down the solid waste management cost of Palau.

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